Thursday, 24 February 2011

Wilkommen In Wien - What To Expect From My Viennese Reports

I am fully deserving of a slap on the wrist, because today marks the beginning of my third week in Vienna, and I have yet to post a blog entry! My excuse for this was that at first I wasn't really doing anything, and I wasn't about to post a blog about my thoroughly exciting days of watching Vampire Diaries and Facebook stalking people I haven't seen since primary school! Then, once things actually started to happen it all happened at once and I didn't have time to write. But let's start this new Viennese section of the blog with a list. There's are some of the things which you should expect to hear about in the next few entries, and some things you shouldn't!

What to expect:
  • "Amusing" teaching anecdotes - It may be a measure of how easily amused I am, but I've heard some pretty funny things in my first couple of weeks teaching, and you're going to hear about them whether you like it or not!
  • Ex-pat antics - I have become exactly what I swore I wouldn't, a member of the ex-pat club, spending most of my time with other language assistants and attending Erasmus socials. On the one hand, I should probably feel ashamed that I'm not speaking enough German, but on the other I'm having too much fun to care!
  • Language battles - I may not be speaking as much German as I ought, but you can guarantee that when I do attempt it I will make some embarrassing faux-pas, which are always good blog fodder.
  • Crazy day trips - While I may have travelled more of this area of Europe than the area around St. Petersburg, there's still far too much that I've never seen, and I intend to see as much of it as possible.
  • Public transport rants - A fair proportion of my day is now spent on public transport, so inevitably this will probably feature heavily in the blog.
  • Jokes at my own expense - And of course at the expense of everyone and everything I encounter here. If I can make fun of it, I will make fun of it. Nothing is immune :)
What NOT to expect:
  • Getting things for free - This game doesn't seem to translate from Russian to Austrian, as not only do I have the delightful pound-euro conversion rates to contend with, but the Viennese don't seem to understand the concept of giving you things for free. Good job I'm working!
  • Melon-related anecdotes - Unfortunately for Jenny (who specifically requested melon stories), I am now feeding myself. This means I am no longer forced to eat entire melons, cold fish, or suspicious meat which "comes from head". Good for my stomach, not so great on the anecdote front...
  • Austrian stereotypes - There might be some once I learn what the more quirky (read completely insane) parts of the Austrian character are, but as I am hoping to actually make some Austrian friends who may well read this there will be no connections made between the typical Austrian and a) Josef Fritzl, b) Adolf Hitler, or c) anyone from the Sound of Music. Political incorrectness can only go so far...

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